They’re great for businesses or influencers that don’t have a website but want a home for their affiliate + social links. *Read to the end for a freebie*
If you have a website, though, you should ditch that links app in favor of a links page on your own website and here’s why:
A links page on your own website ensures that you don’t miss out on web traffic. If people are clicking to your Linktree first, that’s web traffic you’re missing out on. Plus, it adds an extra step to get to your site that people may not take.
A links page is consistent with your branding and will match the rest of your website. Consistency is so important when it comes to branding and a branded links page will help you strategically share the links/information you want people to see in a cohesive way.
So now that you know *why* you should get rid of your Linkinbio app, let’s talk about *what* you can put on your new links page.
Website links – for example your services, portfolio, and more
Other social links
Calendar link for scheduling calls
Usession (or similar) link for scheduling sessions
Email newsletter link
Resources or recommendations
Contact form
Contact information/business hours
Google reviews
Frequently asked questions
Features/publication links
…and so much more!
You can make your links page simple with just a list of links, or you can make it more detailed. Not sure where to start? I’ve created a resource just for you.
You can grab my *free* Showit Links page template here.
Add this to your Showit website library and start creating!
Lyra Studios creates purposeful brands for women in business so they can be recognized in luxury markets and build connection at every touchpoint. If you’re ready to ditch the DIY cycle and create a brand that will help your business grow, get in touch and let’s get started.